Tuesday, March 10, 2015

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God you like Chipotle too!

Luke 12:22-32The Message (MSG)

Steep Yourself in God-Reality22-24 He continued this subject with his disciples. “Don’t fuss about what’s on the table at mealtimes or if the clothes in your closet are in fashion. There is far more to your inner life than the food you put in your stomach, more to your outer appearance than the clothes you hang on your body. Look at the ravens, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, carefree in the care of God. And you count far more.

This is not a commercial for Chipotle, but heck maybe it should be.  But before I get to Chipotle, let me give you a little background (not to personal, but just so you guys get where I'm coming from)

This  past Tuesday felt like five Monday's piled up into one.  Meetings, work, talks, lost paperwork, found paperwork, but the paperwork wasn't mine, but the motto is take ownership right...Then appointments, that so go beyond the appointment time line I had envisioned filled with numbers and facts and statistics and the requirement of decisions...Simply put it was a LONG day.

A break in the action came about and I got the opportunity to eat, but what...I'm rocking the Fitbit, which is an arm band that counts your steps, calories, sleep, and whatever else, so I must make good decisions or the Fitbit will know.

I decided on as you see in the title Chipotle, to get a tofu taco.  When I stood in line, I didn't see anything that said tofu, so I let the group behind me go in front of me.  I also commented on what I was looking for and the young lady in the group said "OMG, that tofu is my favorite and its called "" (I can't remember the name again).  I saw it on the menu and after they ordered and paid I ordered mine, when I got to the cashier, I was not really paying attention just holding out my card and it struck me the register displayed $40.99.  Let me tell you a $40.99 taco will snap you back to reality.  I looked at the cashier and she said "They already paid for you"... I looked at her confused and actually said who me?  At this point I was the only one in line, so clearly it had to be me and beside the fact that she was looking at me. 

I have "Paid it forward" before but I don't recall ever receiving.  The joy in receiving this taco gift was overwhelming!  The cashier handed me a cup and said she got you a drink too! 

She pointed to which of the ladies in the group had blessed me.  Needless to say I went over to her and thanked her so much and I walked away.  Then it hit me thanking her wasn't enough.  I turned around and told her what a long day it had been for me and that her kindness didn't just give me a great meal, but it also blessed my soul.  With those words she told me I had made her day.

The points ... God will always provide, God can use anyone (racial clarity moment this woman, looked nothing like me, nor was she in my more wise age range) and finally yes God is even in Chipotle.  Oh yeah and I'm not a vegetarian, but let me tell you that TACO WAS AWESOME!

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