Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Ouch get off my toes... Time to Worship

Ouch get off my toes... Time to Worship

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John 4:21-24 Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”


Soooo...I'm usually not on time for church.  The more proper term is late!  Others say time challenged.

Let's  move past that though, because there was a time in the past when I was technically late because yes service had started, but I had no desire to be there during the beginning.  I had decided I did not want to listen to the church bulletin read to me, nor did I want to hear the health tip and God, please forgive me but I did not  want to see the Sunday School kids report out. 

I just wanted to come in hear the service and leave (unless there was breakfast or something after)  I'm just keeping it real, because the reality is I'm not alone.  And I knew I wasn't alone because I would run into the same folks at the door as we waited to enter 32 minutes late, but right on time to see the Pastor stand up and walk to the altar.

Now as I take a step back and ponder my new adventure, my desire to be intentional and intimate with God MY FATHER.  I with great intention started going to church on time - (most of the time) or at least a lot closer to the beginning of the service than to the end.  And GUESS WHAT I RAN INTO...

I ran smack dab into God as he was ushered into the service with Worship.  You see in the past he was already in the room usually when I got there, he had been brought in by others praises, shouts, singing.  The room was already sweet, but not by my intimate celebration, but by others.

Now I was a worshiper I was ushering in MY FATHER, with reflection of what he had brought me through during the past weeks, what he had done just to make me smile (a double rainbow) I was there to tell MY Father in my own form of worship (sometimes off key, but sweet music to His ears) how I loved Him and that his everlasting love was perfect.  I honored the God that I proclaim not just with a church check off on the to do list - but I WORSHIPPED.  Little old me helped praise and worship and usher in the spirit of God, to strengthen and save souls. 

I will confess that I tipped out for coffee during the announcements, but I did come back (He not through with me yet...lol)    

Take Away - That worship at the beginning YEP It Has a great Purpose and its not about me but about WE and the Kingdom.

When you miss the beginning you may never be able to fully appreciate the end.   

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