Saturday, February 4, 2017

Speak Lord...OMG did you just Speak

Romans 10:17(NKJV)  17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

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Welcome to the mind of me.  Don't be scared.  Ok Ok so I'm praying right.
On my knees side of the bed talk to God moment. (Hmm I wonder if people still pray on the side of the bed).  Honestly I don't do it too often and rarely at night before bed, but in the morning I will take a knee and talk with my Father (Real talk...If I'm not running late)

This particular morning I was running so late that rushing was truly a mute point.  I thanked God, for this day and this life and I asked a specific question.  I got quiet and I heard God tell me the answer.

Now this is where the OKAY moment came in.  I am pretty sure it was God.   Let's say 98% sure at least.  My doubt in his response was not because I didn't like the answer, but I really had to ponder why when God tells me something.  I usually ask God if this is really Him talking to me or if I'm just making this up in my head or is it the deception of the enemy?  So as I do I asked God for a sign.  Usually the signs come quick and swift throughout the day.  Constant reminders that I am moving the way He is leading or that "Yes Child for the LOVE of ME! THIS IS WHAT I AM telling YOU TO DO!"

I've been a Christian for many wonderful whirlwind years.  With that being said, I've never quantified myself as a mature Christian, simply because I just don't feel that I am where I should be.
This particular morning instead of God telling me Yes it's me and showing me signs.  God quickly said to me - "It's not ME, It's YOU! YOU Don't TRUST YOURSELF"

I chuckled when I received this message, because it is so very true.  God loves me, God talks to me, God is my Father all the days of my life, the reality is I don't trust that I am worthy, deserving, important, CHRISTIAN enough to hear his voice, therefore I ask constantly for proof. 

Are you asking for proof?  Are you asking for signs and wonders after you've already heard the Word?

I don't have an answer(Although I do recommend reading the WORD), but I do know that often we are our own worst enemy.  I do know that sometimes it's me and that I GOT to do Better!  Let our adventures begin, trust who He has called YOU to be.

the way

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