Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A penny for your thoughts , a nickel for your kiss, a dime if you tell me that you love me!

(Subtitled – Use your common cents or everything has value) I’m not sure which one I’m going to pick yet.


Galatians 6:2 - Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 

Life God this world has a cool way of speaking to you.  I wish I could say that these blogs are all my creation, scratch that I’m glad to say that God gives me a taste of his creativeness when he gives me an idea to write about. 

The blog moments often seem to go in slow motion when He opens my eyes to see something that he wants me to get my blog on with.

So this posting is brought to you by my gas station moment.  I have a thing for ice – a serious 5 to 10 cup 32 oz  a day thing for ice.  And I’m picky about my ice; I prefer my ice clear cubed or slightly crushed.  I don’t like snow cone ice, but prefer the very nice cubes of Circle K (a small mini market/gas station chain) or my Mom’s refrigerator ice.

Yes I’ve heard that if you crave ice you may have an iron deficiency.  In my case I’m not a doctor (even though I played one as a child) I believe my crave for ice is more of a desire to hear the crunch of it.  Don’t know why but it calms my nerves.  Yes my nerves may be calm because I’m focused on the pain that it causes my teeth.  Either way I like the stuff.

So there I stood in line at Circle K, I had my 42 oz cup of ice (I knew it was going to be a long day and I would need a bigger cup) in hand and I was the second person in line.  This is where God’s slow motion sequence imaging came into view.  The man in front of me dropped a penny while he was digging through a large old leather wallet.  I watched it in case he needed someone to point out where his money had landed.  He saw it though and he looked down at that  penny on the floor and decided it wasn’t worth bending down for and left it there. (this is my interpretation of the moment - him gritting on the penny and turning away from it.)

Now I’m not one to judge (seriously I try not to judge, because I know my frying pan ain’t clean either) I don’t know why he didn’t pick it up.  He could have been lazy, tired, rich or whatever.  I choose to assume God made him leave it there for the purposes of this blog.  Next in line and at the register to pay .27 cents for my large cup of ice, I too considered not picking up the penny.  To pick it up would take some commitment and coordination on this old/young body.  One  I would  have to sit my ice down, balance my too large but super cute purse, so it wouldn’t pull me over when I bent and then more than likely I was going to groan when I stood back up or at the least my knee was going to crack. 

My mind did a flashback like in the movies and I saw homeless people who beg for money, I saw a woman who couldn’t buy her kid the 35 cent blow pop.  I thought about people in other countries who earned less in a day than the cup of ice I was buying.  I balanced my purse sat down my ice and took the time to pick that penny up.  (I groaned don’t judge me LOL)

Even the smallest value has value when it’s combined with something.   That little penny is the start of wells being built in countries with no clear water.  That little penny is a part of a chair at a new church.   That little penny hung out with several other little pennies and helped a single mom feed her kids. 

So if you are blessed enough to find a penny on the ground that someone may not have felt the need to pick up because of its small value, pick it up.  There are so many other pennies out there waiting to be combined with thoughts and love and developed into a shelter, food, clean water school supplies for another humans.  And maybe if we all got all our pennies together, nobody would be hungry, nobody would be without a blanket and everybody would learn that when things of small value are combined they can make one big heck of a difference. 

In Jesus name I pray!



  1. It's supricing what pennies have accomplished since its creation. U so right on all that u've said. N yeah, if we all share each others burdens, as Galacians 6-2 point out, this will b a better world.

  2. It's all written about how we can live and be better - Isn't that amazing! Many blessings to you.
