Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Warriors come out and plaayaa

 (subtitled Warrior’s come out and PRAY).


Matthew 26:36 - Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, "Sit here while I go over there and pray." 

Warriors come out and play!  Let me explain the title and the quote because although this movie is a classic (At least on my list, which also includes The Matrix and Pleasentville).   “Warriors come out and play! (he actually says playaa)” is a movie quote from the movie The Warriors (1979).  And the movie The Warriors is about this gang named no surprise, Warriors, who are accused of killing a gang icon while at a Gang rally where all the gangs from various burrows were gathered in an attempt to promote peace among the gangs.  I can’t even imagine gangs getting together like this now, but that is a blog for another day.  Anyway all the gangs at the rally agree on one thing after the icon is shot  and  that is that the members of the Warriors gang are not going to make it back to their  Coney Island turf alive! 

 This leads me in to my Tuesday - my intercessory prayer day (don’t ask how it leads me there just enjoy the ride.) Praying on Tuesdays started several years ago when I would get together with some great women at my job and we would pray in our break room.  It was amazing people would stop us or email us and ask us to put particular people on the list  who needed prayers (from family members to friends to strangers that they had just happen to come across)   We had a notebook and we would put the Thank you notes in there as well, for answered prayers.    Over the years the group has sort of dissolved.  New jobs, layoffs, relocations, and other factors broke up our little group, but it stayed in my heart and I am sure many of their hearts as well.

Today (Tuesday)  besides stating that I had no idea what i was going to blog about.  I also commented that I needed someone to pray with.  (I stated this out loud to the universe myself and a few of my coworkers)  I thought of a few folks but it didn’t feel right.  I asked God to give me someone to pray with and like some of my prayers I forgot I had asked and went on with my day.  While I was working at work (don’t laugh it happens) I glanced over at my cell phone which was respectfully put on silent because people had gotten annoyed at my “Madagascar Afro Circus: ringtone – And low and  behold it was one of my old prayer partners.  We don’t work together any longer.  I just shook my head thanked God ended my business call and decided it was time for lunch. 

I called my prayer partner, former coworker, sister girl, from my cell phone as soon as I got in the car.  The first time no answer and the second time she picked up and there was a lot of background noise.  She was in Trader Joe’s (wonderful small grocery store) and I said child I was looking for someone to pray with and I didn’t know who.  She said I know it‘s Tuesday right.  She was in the grocery store but she found a spot to be still in and we prayed and interceded in such an awesome way that I’m sure the Sprint phone lines were even shouting glory.  And to Sprints credit no scratch that too God’s credit the call didn’t drop.

I don’t know any secret formula or particular ways to pray, whether you should stand up, kneel, or lay down.

But I do know an amazing Warrior who prayed.  Jesus – Not only did he pray he gave suggestions on how other’s could pray.  Now think about this if Jesus who is the right hand of God the Father sees a need to pray, then Wow.  I may not be as forgiving as Jesus and I may not have the faith that he has (which I believe is WAY bigger than a mustard seed) but in my desire to work towards being like my spiritual brother savior and Lord – I sure as heck can pray.

Don’t be scared your home turf is vast and waiting for you Warriors come out and PPRRRAAYYYY!


  1. Nene, I have been following your emails and want to let you know how blessed and inspired I am by them.

    I am thanking God Almighty for His right hand being upon you. For an unusual anointing being upon you and an even greater anointing coming upon you. You are surely reaching your generation and generations!

    Surely this is the beginning of a mighty work for God! I see the Lord using you to really reach young people, I see you doing youth conferences and evening writing books.

    Lord, I thank you for your daughter Nene and the awesome gift she is to the world! Father, I pray more anointing be poured upon her head, divine blessing, divine connections, divine disconnections, divine protection for Nene, her daughter, her mother, her sister and entire family. Open wide the doors You (God) are sending her into and shut tight every door You (God) would not have her go into. Father give Nene the wisdom of You(God.) In Jesus name I pray. And it is done. Amen


    1. Wow and thank you and all glory to God. It is and has been an ongoing wonderful adventure. I wish I could explain how God gives me the ideas and what to write. My prayer remains increase my territory to your glory and keep your hand upon me to smack down DRAMA. Much Much love to you and thank you for your prayer and blessing. My prayer for you is that God's face smiles down on you and gives you great peace!
