Sunday, May 12, 2013

Bob Ross ...You were one wise dude!

“The Joy of Painting” all these years later this dude still moves me! Aka Bob Ross I never painted but you sure taught me a lot!

Matthew 18 (MSG)2-5 For an answer Jesus called over a child, whom he stood in the middle of the room, and said, “I’m telling you, once and for all, that unless you return to square one and start over like children, you’re not even going to get a look at the kingdom, let alone get in. Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God’s kingdom. What’s more, when you receive the childlike on my account, it’s the same as receiving me.


Ah remember this show or this man.?

If not let me tell you about one of the most enthrallingly calming sedative can't take your eyes off it shows. The one man show "The Joy of Painting" staring Bob Ross painting. After the Saturday morning cereal digested and the wonder twins had activated into the form of a bucket and a glacier and Scooby and his crew had solved a crime - scaring the heck out of me but proving that monsters are not real.


Next was The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross for some reason I was hypnotized. I didn't paint while I watched I didn't grow up to be an artist, but if I did I would  have to thank him. Even though I never tried in his simple calming instruction, Mr. Bob had me believing I could paint a mountain scene complete with tall oaks and a waterfall, just with the twist of my brush. There was not much in the way of camera angles on this show - Just a long shot mid shot and close up. Bob spoke soothingly hypnotically of how you could gently move the brush or sponge over the quiet canvas and the canvas would reveal a beautiful scene. There wasn't even jazzed up music in the background, but I sat there stuck watching what image his calm strokes would bring forth.

Remembering this I remembered the simplicity of life. 13 inch screen not really a black and white screen but not really color either especially in comparison to the HD TVs now. I didn't need more I didn't want less. Ok honestly I was a kid so I wanted toys, but I could easily forget about toys if I went outside and played. Nothing was greater than watching Mr. Bob then throwing on play clothes and spending hours outside playing hopscotch, hot bread and butter and some homemade games which sometimes included you dodging rocks or racing a junebug you had caught and tied to a string. It would be to cliché to say how I miss the good old days, but dang it if I don't.  

A few years ago a friend of mine came over one day and I caught them staring at me. Initially I thought wow I must be easy on the eyes, but that thought was quickly changed when he asked the question, "Seriously, do you ever just sit still!" Nope! I laughed as i picked up toys, took out the trash started dinner, held a conversation and helped with homework!  I still think as I race through my house doing a lot of stuff, or when I'm at work doing a lot of stuff, or when I'm driving and thinking about a lot of stuff, even when I pray my mind will drift towards stuff.


I can’t blame the world for chaos only myself.  You choose the life you live or at least you indulge  in the life that creeps up on you before you realize that you are in the funnel of the storm.  I’m going for the eye of the storm living that peaceful place in the dead center of it all.  I will follow my dreams, I won’t get caught up in the chaos around me.  I will focus on my goals just like the simple brush strokes of Mr. Bob and this life will be as beautiful and a simple as the brush strokes that create mountains.  I will sit still and rest in the waterfalls.  He gave me peace and now like the power of the Super friends in my Saturday morning cartoons I will activate….into the form of a blessing, in the form of love and in the shape of peace.


God POWER Activate!



 “True genius lies in simplicity.” (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)

In honor of Bob Ross here is his link they have "Happy Tree" T-shirts

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