Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Make YOU WANT TO HOLLER and Throw up your hands (subtitled and give them a big HUG)

Matthew 10:14  If any household or town refuses to welcome you or listen to your message, shake its dust from your feet as you leave.

Bless the words that are coming from my fingers may they be acceptable to your sight oh My Lord, my strength and my redemmer.

It’s funny when people type in capital letters (going forward capital letters will be written as caps – just a heads up)  that means they are yelling.  I never knew that’s what it meant and one day I got an email back actually my entire office got an email, advising that we should be mindful of using all capitals in an email because it could be taken by the reader as offensive and that they were being yelled at.  Who knew.  As you know grammar and spelling are not a big part of my writing gift, but I always thought that an exclamation mark was the indicator of emotion.  Who knew!?

Our expectations of customer service, communication and well just acting proper seem to have changed over the past few years.  Or I’m just getting older and wiser and I just expect good manners, no matter which side of the fence your mowing.   

 Have you ever stood in line and been amazed at the interaction that is taking place before you.  Either the cashier has an attitude or the customer has an attitude, but you can quickly tell that your long time in line is about to get longer, because bad attitudes usually tend to slow the process down. 

One day I was at Chick-fil-A, one of my favorite fast food places.  They have got the absolute best chicken salad if you’re into that.  The lady a few folks ahead of me asked for a  specialty order (clearly she thought she was at Burger King and wanted it her way).  She requested some type of sandwich, but with some alterations.  The cashier, a young gentleman who couldn’t have been over 16, I’m sure, explained quite calmly that he was unable to do this.  The woman raised her voice a bit, she wasn’t at the all capitals volume but each word definitely began with a capital letter as she said, “ I Always Get My Sandwich Like This.”  The cashier  explained calmly again that he was really (he actually said really!) sorry that he was unable to make the sandwich this way.  The woman now went into all caps  mode.  MY SANDWHICH IS ALWAYS LIKE THIS AND I NEVER HAVE ANY PROBLEMS – SO JUST MAKE THE SANDWHICH AND THEY CHARGE ME LIKE IT WAS AND SHE POINTED TO A SANDWICH AND AMOUNT UP ON THE BOARD.

Ok at this point I wanted to tackle this lady (in a bless her heart way of course), because I felt she was just mean and was taking up my lunch time as well as messing up the good vibe Chick-fil-A has that always makes me smile.  Fortunately, I wasn’t the cashier.  I lack certain graces.  This young man maintained his composure did not roll his eyes, suck his teeth or in any way show utter irritation, like I had.  Oh yeah I’m rolling my eyes and  sucking my teeth at the back of the line.

Finally the lady STOMPED off.  With no food muttering to herself , about how it didn’t make any since and she wasn’t coming back anymore.

The cashier took the next person in line smiled and asked how he could help them.  He didn’t change his attitude he didn’t even looked flushed.  He had mentally shook the dust off from that customer and went on his way to his next customer.  This particular Chick fil-A is known for its outstanding customer service and the manager says when he interviews for positions he looks for people with good character and outstanding courtesy.  Well let me tell you, he did a great job in picking this man.   

I try really hard in my job to provide stellar customer service, but sometimes I allow other people’s attitudes to melt away my good efforts and BAM!  I’m angry not just at the person who I allowed to control my feelings, but pretty much at anyone who calls or I have to deal with after them, for at least an hour until I can get it together! (getting it together usually involves prayer and some intervening rants)

So this young man probably half my age taught me a wonderful lesson.  Always stay true to who you are, don’t let anyone’s actions cause you to treat other people differently or even the person who started working your nerves  for that matter. 

I’m a work in progress (or a piece of work) and some days well I’m a downright hot mess, but lessons are all around us and every now and again I learn to be a better human.  So thank you God for the LESSON and Chick fil-A for the great lunch and great service.   


So as they say at my Chick fi-A – Have a blessed day! 

1 comment:

  1. 'Its through adversity do we truly find out how much peace we have internally' _ Errol Daniels, Erudite.


    Keep writing!
