Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Shhh...This is creepy do you hear that?...

(subtitled Memories of Quiet)


Psalms 4:4 - Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah.

I might be dating myself (here let me help you – I’m a grown woman), but does anyone remember when TV use to go off.  I mean before we had remote controls and you could press the sleep button so that you can fall asleep with your TV watching you.  Before cable TV and the introduction of 10 bazillion channels (that all basically show old shows - I am always down for a Golden Girls marathon).    The station use to go off the air.  I’m not sure what country you are in (By the way Bless you all over the world for reading this blog and sharing it) but in the United States of America, say at around midnight or maybe a little after the station you were watching would play the National Anthem and then the screen would go blank (like in the Poltergeist movie)  You could stay up as late as you wanted too but what you were not going to be able to do was watch a TV show (yes young people this was before Beta, VHS, DVR, and what’s the new thing ah yes Blue-ray).  So your options were to lay there in the quiet, read a book  or GO TO SLEEP!

Write now as I type I am sitting in a rare moment in time of silence.  I can hear the washing machine going, a few birds tweeting, the clock ticking.  So  right now as for me and my house, there is no TV on, no radio, I’m not talking on the phone and my cell phone is too far away to reach to figure out who just sent me a text.  It’s simply wonderfully quiet!

We live in an  amazing world that in the past few decades has become one of the busiest places I could have ever dreamed of.  The heck with the flying cars that we saw in the sci-fi movies.  We’ve got Pandora, I-Phones, Galaxy we can talk and communicate anywhere, so much so that it is almost impossible to just imagine being quiet.  I know some folks who are so important (literally) they have two phones and I have witnessed them use them at the same time.  My favorite thing to do is watch people at dinner often times they both have out their cell phones and either they are talking on them or texting while they eat and talk to people in their groups.  Fine I confess sometimes it’s me talking or texting while I also sit in front of someone who is pouring out what ever events are going on in their life.  And yes I can multi-task so I can hear them, but I must confess I can’t “feel them”  at the level they may need me to be at because dag on it.  My BFF just text me that she caught her man  with another girl – and that’s like Breaking News at my fingertips.  Ok fine usually the text that distracts me from regular human conversation is never that serious its more like “Hey what you doing?” and if yet another rare event occurs like I’m on a date of course I have to text them back and then tell my date I just told my BFF I was out with them (this could be the reason for the lack of second dates) 

So my challenge my plan my desire to be a better human – I’m going to do quiet time and not just right before bed, but every day I’m going to take a few minutes out of my twister of a day and just enjoy the quiet.  The real quiet the no phone, no music, no computer kind of quiet.

Hmm maybe God won’t have to talk so loud then.

May your quiet time be blessed, with just what you need to hear! 

images of silence is not the absence of something john grossmann quotes and wallpaper

1 comment:

  1. Now I love this, but one small problem you know if I call and you don't answer or call back within a certain time I well freak out. With that in mind enjoy your silent time, this was great reading.
