Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Open Door Policy...

(not sure of the subtitle on this one so let me know what you come up with)

Revelation 3:20  Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.

All honor and glory to God for the great things He has done and is doing and will do!!
I love when a man opens a door for me.  This of course has been a work in progress, because being me I always opened my own door.  Car door house door work door grocery store door (hmm ok grocery store doors are usually automatic, but you get my point).  I wasn’t mad about it, honestly this is something I never thought about.  I can’t give you some deep answer and say that my moral foundation was based on my studies of the feminist movement or that that I am strong independent etc and I can open my own doors thank you very much.  Nope none of that it was simple I see a door I want to go in so… (YEP: I open it) 

One day though one of my coworkers was basically walking beside me we were both approaching the door to go in.  I’ve got a serious stride when I walk so I was probably a few inches ahead of him.  I reached to open the door and I heard him say – UHUH -.  You know the way a parent stops a child from doing something with just their (sound)  and they don’t even have to look at them,  the kid (at least my kid knows she better stop it).  Well that’s the tone he used on me and I dropped my hand and he proceeded to allow him to open the door for me.

He didn’t go into some long discussion about women and how we are so independent and that’s why …! This guy simply said, “Let me treat you like a lady”  (You know it must be serious because I rarely ever use proper punctuation in my writing, But this quote deserved to be properly punctuated)

This blog isn’t about proper manners or a debate on feminism it’s about what do you do when God opens a door for you.  We’ve all been pulling on doors that we are not suppose to open.  We’ve all opened doors that we should have never opened.  But when God opens a door for us what do we do?  I know me I go through it confused, unplanned, and not so prepared.  Because maybe I never believed He would open it or maybe after I run through it I forget to say thank you and then allow Him to come through the door with me. 

There is so much depth in the kind act of opening the door for someone and allowing them to walk through before you.  There is so much faith in going through a door that God has opened for you!  You know you didn’t get there on your own you were blessed and favor fell upon you.

So be thankful, be faithful, bless the person who opened the door for you.  And through every door take God with you.  He is cool and will show you how to handle what’s behind the door. 

I pray for your open doors, I thank God for the treat you like a lady moments, I pray that Joy and God’s glory is on the other side of the door.  And that my brothers and sisters YOU DO THE THING!!!  Bless your Hearts, Bodies, and Souls.

Proverbs 8:34   Blessed is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting beside my doors

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